Oct 7, 2020
Instead of relying on guesswork and opinion to understand why groups of people behave the way they do, today’s technology allows us to analyze and synthesize data.
When we truly understand what we all value most, we can unleash enormous passion and power. This is the fundamental disruption of our time: we can now predict and influence what people will do next.
David Allison, founder of The Valuegraphics Database, is our guest for this episode of Association Chat podcast. After a career spent developing ideas and concepts to engage stakeholders for several hundred organizations, David Allison recognized the need for a more scientific method to determine what really influences people to do the things they do.
The result is The Valuegraphics Database, the first global dataset created specifically to help organizations predict and influence behavior using the values we share.
favorite quote from this interview came right at the end.
"If you need any proof that demographics are harmful and hurtful
and divisive, and cause all kinds of strife in our world; I'll
point you to a few examples. Black Lives Matter. The Gay Rights
Movement. The Women's Rights Movement.
These are all demographics, demographic groups, standing up and
saying, 'Do not treat me like a demographic. Treat me like a human
being. Do not judge me based on my gender, my sexual orientation,
the color of my skin. None of that matters. I just want to be a
human, like the rest of you.'
I can't think of any more powerful condemnation of how terrible demographics are for our society."