Jan 24, 2020
The commercialization of the internet continues, but what does that mean for associations when it comes to the domain they use most? The .ORG addresses our associations use may soon be owned by a for-profit company – and nonprofits, NGOs, and now regulatory officials around the world are in an uproar. We’ll talk about how it all works, the questions that have been answered and those questions that haven’t, and what it means for the future of the internet and associations.
Jacob Malthouse (@jacobmalthouse). Jacob is a SaveDotOrg advisor, dot-eco domain founder, Former UNEP & ICANN. Jacob Malthouse is co-founder of the .ECO domain. In 2007, he conceived of .ECO as an Internet domain run by the global environmental community for the greater good. He's been reporting on this story from the beginning.
Amy Sample Ward (@amyrsward). Amy is NTEN’s CEO and leading the charge with SaveDotOrg. Her prior experience in direct service, policy, philanthropy, and capacity-building organizations has also fueled her aspirations to create meaningful, inclusive, and compassionate community engagement and educational opportunities for all organizations.
Bill Woodcock (@woodyatpch). Bill is the executive director of Packet Clearing House and part of a group of Internet pioneers and philanthropists who filed incorporation papers for the Cooperative Corporation of .ORG Registrants (also called CCOR) in California as a non-profit under cooperative corporation law. This The Cooperative explicitly pledges support for the open Internet community. This is one alternative being offered rather than Ethos Capital's bid.
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